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The antacid maker is partnering with DraftKings on a Super Bowl betting game. (Image: Newswav) Inspired by increasingly popular proposition wagers, TUMS Prop Bites will allow participants to.

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Tums, for example, is partnering with comedian Desus Nice for its "Prop Bites" campaign, which allows consumers to place free, food-themed bets—like whether more Super Bowl watchers will eat.

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The only thing guaranteed on Super Bowl Sunday is agita—lots of it. So, Tums and DraftKings have devised a food-related trivia contest, offering fans the opportunity to win $10,000 and a supply of branded antacids.. On-site in Las Vegas, the brand will entertain fans with a food-inspired casino experience featuring Tums playing cards, a.

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Now, in an unlikely partnership, Tums and DraftKings have teamed up to launch Tums Prop Bites, which encourages fans to pick which foods are most popular across the country in the lead up to the Super Bowl. The winners of this free-to-play competition, which earned its name from a play on "prop bets," are eligible to win a share of $10,000.

Super Bowl XXXIV Wikipedia

Tums Prop Bites was supported by a live event during the weekend of the Super Bowl at the Tums Prop Bites Food Casino at Circa Stadium Swim on February 9. Additionally, Tums announced in a press release that it also partnered with GoPuff to deliver free Tums to those who order through while supplies last.

The five most watched Super Bowls ever TechRadar

The Super Bowl remains the biggest betting moment of the year, with nearly 68 million American adults estimated to have bet more than $23 billion on last night's contest, per an American Gaming Association survey.And as legal sports betting has expanded to 38 states and Washington, D.C., about $1.5 billion of that total was bet with legal outlets.

Super Bowl LIV Grey New York Gives a New Meaning to the Blue Dot Emoji

During a relaxing camping trip, a woman may not be watching Super Bowl LV, but she is enjoying a great bowl of chili. After feeling some indigestion, she suddenly finds herself being dragged away from her campsite by a Sasquatch-sized pepper. She brandishes her bottle of Tums Naturals and the chile creature flees back into the depths of the woods, leaving the woman to enjoy her meal heartburn.

Super Bowl XLIV Wikipedia

Tums ran a sweepstakes on its @TUMSOfficial Twitter account during Super Bowl 54, live-tweeting #Tumsworthy moments during the game—"the heartburn-inducing fumbles, foods and commercial breaks.

Super Bowl XLII Wikipedia

"Tums will support the campaign with paid media on TikTok in addition to the full force of the DraftKings network including web takeover, audio, podcasts, and mobile apps.".In addition, the two brands will be hosting a "Prop Bites Food Casino" at Circa Stadium Swim in Las Vegas during the Super Bowl weekend.

Super Bowl XLVI Wikipedia

Ahead of Super Bowl LVIII, one of the most anticipated football events across the United States, TUMS, an antiacid brand, joined forces with DraftKings, the leading betting and gaming operator, for the launch of TUMS Prop Bites, a new free-to-play game.The game, described as a "first-of-its-kind platform where fans can make their free food picks and see how they stack up against the rest of.

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TUMS Super Bowl OLV - in partnership with FanDuel.

Here's how to avoid food poisoning on Super Bowl Sunday, according to

Super Bowl Sunday is filled with ads and partnerships, and it's can be a career-defining moment. Now, Desus Nice is getting in on the action. For the 2024 Super Bowl season, Nice has teamed up with TUMS® on their collaboration with DraftKings to launch TUMS® Prop Bites, lauded as the first-of-its kind platform where fans bet on their food picks for the game for free and see how they wage.

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Sports-betting platform DraftKings and Tums, the antacid brand, have teamed for a free-to-play game, titled Tums Prop Bites, around Super Bowl LVIII, per details shared with Marketing Dive.

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Kicking off Super Bowl weekend, TUMS Prop Bites Food Casino at Circa Stadium Swim (Las Vegas) will be held on February 9. The pop-up event is hosted by DraftKings and TUMS and will feature a guest appearance by comedian Desus Nice. As the "official Prop Bites Tipster," Nice will also be featured in digital and social media content.

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TUMS is America's #1 Heartburn Medicine, selling more than 60 million products every year. As part of an ongoing effort to destigmatize heartburn among younger audiences, TUMS launched a digital campaign to engage young viewers ahead of the Super Bowl: #TUMSBingoSweepstakes.

MultiCultClassics 13529 Super Bowl LIes.

The Tums sweepstakes is reminiscent of last year's campaign by Frank's RedHot hot sauce. Instead of running an expensive Super Bowl ad, Frank's hosted a contest that asked viewers to watch other brands' TV spots and to tweet the chili pepper emoji — the digital icon most associated with its product — during commercial breaks.